Many thanks to Fermilab for hosting the first US meeting of the FIM4R community; a mini-FIM4R dedicated to the use cases of physics research communities and laboratories.
Following a welcome from Fermilab, which highlighted their commitment to Federation Identity, we heard Community Updates from IRIS, DUNE, WLCG & CERN, Fermilab, Brookhaven National Lab and Argonne National Lab. CiLogon and Indigo IAM presented their technical solutions for Federated Authentication and Authorisation, which stimulated extended discussion and resolved several open questions.
The meeting culminated in a Tornado warning – but never fear! FIM discussions continued from the Storm Shelter.
The next FIM4R meeting, also in the US, will take place from 10:00 – 17:30 on Sunday, December 8th, 2019, in New Orleans, colocated with Internet2’s Technology Exchange.